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I am a first grade teacher who has rediscovered a love for firsties this year. I have taught pre-k, kindergarten, first grade and even second over the past 16 years. I have been married for 17 years to my wonderful husband and have been blessed with 2 very active boys.

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Daily 5 Chapter 5

I know I am a few days late in posting this, but I promise I did do my reading on time!  In Chapter 5, the Sisters take us through Read to Someone and Listen to Reading.  I know many of you reading this have already read the chapter and posted about it, so I am going to skip the retelling and tell you what works for me and what I would like to change this year!

Read to Someone

Since reading the Daily 5 two years ago, I have had the children Read to Someone or Partner Read at least 3-4 days a week.  Where I differ from the Sisters is that it is not during my reading rotations.  I do like my classroom to be quiet, and I felt like it was a distraction to other students and myself (dare I say)! So, this is what has worked for me:  We do Read to Someone whole group (GASP!).  We have 5th Grade Reading Buddies come every Wednesday to partner read!  The kids LOVE this time and I love that they are practicing their reading and hearing great models for fluency.  Its a win-win!  Two other days during the week, the kids partner read their reading story (usually Thursday or Friday to review for the test) as well as partner read their Accelerated Reader books.  I am going to TRY to have them Read to Partner during out Reading centers.

The one aspect I did not give enough attention to in Read to Someone is a comprehension check.  This is definitely something I need to teach and model more.  I do use Accelerated Reader (AR) in my classroom.  As a teacher, I love that it gives the kids accountability for their reading.    I require one Accelerated Reader test (passed) per week.  The 5th grade reading buddies are great at listening  my students reread and getting them set up on Accelerated Reader.  I recommend they read the book 2-3 times before taking the test.  I am excited this year that our media specialist (Thanks Trish!) has purchased the rights to ALL the AR quizzes so now so MANY books have tests. What are your thoughts on Accelerated Reader?

As a parent, I have a love/hate relationship with AR.  I find my kids shy away from books that are NOT AR, because they need a certain amount of POINTS for a grade each quarter.  They both read for the required 20 minutes a night (which I love so I am not the bad guy!) and that gives them enough time to read for points.  Some series lend themselves to AR, and others don't; especially the new releases!  I am hoping this year it is easier since there will be a larger selection of AR books to choose from. 

Listen to Reading

I have always had a listening station in my reading rotation.  I love how it models fluency as well as adds excitement to the story.  The kids love the expression and voice found on the cd's/tapes.  However, when the story is over, they are reading books in my library.  I would like to add another listening station to the center.  Perhaps I will head on over to Doner's Choice and try to get one donated.  Here is my question for you all-  Do you think I should ask for individual CD players or MP3 players? Do you download several books on an MP3 player at a time and can the kids work it properly?

Head on over to check out our hosts for the week:  Dilly Dabbles, Barrow's Hodgepodge and Castles and Crayons.

DillyDabblesCastles and Crayons           

Stop by and check out this awesome giveaway!  Congrats to Janine at Faithful in First on 400 followers!

One final question-how do you link a picture?  Any help would be appreciated!  Thanks:)

Mrs. Wathen


  1. Thanks for visiting my blog!! The Daily 5 is a great book. Not teaching reading next year (math, science and writing for me!) but am still going to incorporate some of the ideas!! Kiddos don't get enough reading!!

    Rock and Teach

  2. I am your newest Follower! Come check out my page and enter my Giveaway!!! :)


  3. I think I'd go for the Mp3 players..If you model and have a good visual on where to find what they need on it, I think the kids could manage it. You could also find one kid who picks up on it really well to be a "trainer" the others could go to instead of you. I'm trying it myself this year, but am loading only the audios from our reading text on them to simplify it. Good luck!

  4. I used CD's last year and I loved it. I'm not sure if I am ready for my students to have the MP3 players in 2nd grade. (Plus they are expensive) I asked my Facebooks friends for CD's that were laying around their house last summer and not being used. I got 9 of them. I also put four stories on each CD so when the student was finished with one book, they could choose another book out of the bag without changing the CD. The "Stay in one Spot" was great in this Daily 5.

    Mrs. Flickinger's Butterfly Oasis

  5. I have a love hate relationship for the same reason as you. I want my students to pick books for more that having the end goal being a test. I like that it holds them accountable for what they've read. I want them to love reading for the rest of their life!! Did you ever figure out how to link a picture? Let me know...It's easy!!
    Owl Things First!

    1. Hi jenny,
      I did figure out how to link a picture:) Thanks for checking!



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